Capri Sun

A modern refresh for a brand that so many millennials still crave

Package Update

We redesigned their look to be both interesting to younger adults, and children as well, as we still want to appeal to them. The we updated the package itself for a better user experience, by adding the simple rip off section for the straw, because who remembers the missing straw becoming a catastrophe during lunch time? We certainly do and do not want any of those flashbacks.

The Box

Here we brought in our design from the pouch as well as a few other components. The handles were brought in for easy carrying, or pull just one of them to hang it from the wall in your pantry. With this box, we partner with Uber or Lyft to place these boxes over the headrest for riders to grab. As many drivers purchase their own refreshments for passengers in search of a better tip, we want to help them out by providing the drink and nostalgia for free.

Jet Blue Partnership

On flights we will hand out Capri Sun pouches with a napkins branded napkin. We want to bring back the simplicity of your childhood, maybe even some flashbacks, while re-introducing a brand that they already love, but simply forgot about.

Banner Ads

We place ads on a range of bland, adult-y webpages like Nerd Wallet or Bloomberg News


Ymke Franssen

